Plot Atlas Shepherd, a brilliant data analyst with a deep distrust of artificial intelligence, joins a mission to capture a terrorist AI with whom she shares a mysterious past. But when the mission doesn't go as planned, her only hope of saving humanity from AI is to trust another AI. R eview An action packed, a new Netflix sci-fi movie starring Jennifer Lopez, "Atlas" explores familiar sci-fi territory with an AI gone rogue. There is nothing we haven't seen before. CGI is used extensively for world-building and action scenes, are adequate but not particularly thrilling. The alien world depicted often feels more like a video game environment than a fully realized cinematic universe. Movies explore if humans and AI could co-exist or not. The plot revolves around Lopez's character, Atlas Shepherd, who initially distrusts AI but gradually learns to trust it through her interactions with the suit's AI. Although I enjoy the conversation about the difference be...
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