The story is set in a dystopian near-future America in a civil war. A team of military-embedded journalists traveling from New York to Washington, D.C to interview the President before rebel factions attack the White House.
The movie does not provide a clear explanation of how and why the war started. All we know is in the distant future, some Western forces are trying to kill the president. So, people looking for political reasons might not be satisfied.
As four journalists journey across the country to interview the president, they encounter a lawless, apocalyptic world divided by small armed groups due to the civil war. It is on the road trip that the film successfully shows us the war's impact on civilians and the harsh realities of life in a fragmented America as realistically as possible.
The film also successfully shows us the terror and sacrifices journalists endure to get their stories. It showcases the dangers of their profession, especially during wartime.
Kirsten Dunst played an experienced war photographer named Lee Smith and she delivered one of the best performances of her career.
The final act is particularly intense. This is where we see how a war photographer's job is so difficult and dangerous. It's a chaotic battle scene from the journalists' perspective. This close-up view of the conflict underscores the perilous nature of their job, making the audience feel as though they are in the midst of the action.
It is more of a horror film than a war film.
My Screen Times Review - 8
IMDb - 7.5
Rotten Tomatoes - 81% | Audience - 71%
Genre: Action, War, Thriller
Rating - R (Bloody and Disturbing Images / Strong Violent Content)
Duration: 1 hour 49 Minutes
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