The Watchers follows Mina, a 28-year old artist who gets stranded in an expansive, untouched forest in western Ireland. When Mina finds shelter, she unknowingly becomes trapped alongside three strangers that are watched and stalked by mysterious creatures each night.
When you hear an unexpected noise when alone in your room, it sends shivers down your spine. No one likes the feeling of being watched, and the thought is enough to creep anyone out. This film taps into the fear of the unknown with that concept plus sound effects. The hauntingly gorgeous backdrop of Ireland's enormous woodlands and craggy landscapes heightens the sensation of isolation.
Mina is on a journey when her car breaks down, stranding her in the forest. She soon meets three other lost people, and together they seek sanctuary in an unusual building with one wall totally made of glass, reflecting only their own images. Every night, they are stalked by mysterious creatures that observe them through this glass. The gang can forage in the forest during the day, but must return before dark to avoid the hidden watchers.
This folktale-inspired horror is mainly based on the disturbing concept of being constantly observed by things you cannot see. Initially, the story and mythology are intriguing. The film lacks the required scares and intensity needed of a horror film, making it feel more like a thriller. Its plot is plagued with inconsistencies and unanswered problems, undermining its early appeal. Although the film begins promisingly with a captivating build-up, the final act exposes far too much, diminishing the mystery and suspense. Just when it appears that the film has come to an end, another twist is presented, further confounding the plot. The characters are difficult to connect with, lacking depth and relatability, and the story twists are unconvincing.
The following review paragraph includes spoilers.
Her car broke down in the middle of the wilderness. She ran about yelling for help. What did she expect in the middle of the forest? Despite the film's explanation of how the building was built in the middle of the wilderness, it did not satisfy me. They also require more information about how they bathe and use the restroom since they are in such close proximity to the facility. They've been living in that building for so long, and no one has discovered the hatch under the mat? Right when I believed they had escaped the island and the film was nearing a conclusion, another twist appeared that was neither shocking nor satisfying to me.
My Screen Times Score - 4
IMDb - 5.7
Rotten Tomatoes - 32% | Audience -52%
Genre - Horror, Fantasy
Rating - PG 13
Runtime - 1 hour 42 minutes
Director - Ishana Shyamalan
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